Cabinet has approved the publication and introduction of the Cyber Security Bill, 2024 in the current sitting of parliament whose objectives include providing cyber security in the republic, establish the Zambia Cyber Security Agency and provide for its functions, as well as provide for the regulation of cyber security service providers.
In a statement to Phoenix News, Information and Media Minister Cornelius Mweetwa said cabinet observed that the current legal framework is inadequate in providing comprehensive security in the cyberspace as a result of the lack of a dedicated institution to administer the issues relating to cyber security, which is contrary to international best practices.
Mr. Mweetwa has also disclosed that cabinet approved the publication and introduction of the Cyber Crimes Bill, 2024 which seeks to provide for offences relating to computers and computer systems, the protection of persons against cybercrimes, and child on-line protection, among others.
He says once enacted into law, it will result in the adequate criminalization of illegal acts relating to the cyber space in Zambia and protection of persons and children on-line in conformity with international best practice.
And Mr. Mweetwa has disclosed that cabinet also approved the publication and introduction in parliament of the Anti-Terrorism and Non-Proliferation-Amendment Bill, 2024 whose objectives are to revise the functions of the national anti-terrorism centre; give effect to the nuclear offences under the convention on the physical protection of nuclear materials, 1979 and the international convention for the suppression of acts of nuclear terrorism, 2005.
He says this is because the current Anti-Terrorism and Non-Proliferation Act no. 6 of 2018, is inadequate in effectively criminalizing terrorism, terrorism financing, proliferation and proliferation financing as the act does not criminalize, among others, terrorism financing in accordance with the terrorism financing convention 1999, which the republic acceded to on 7th April, 2017.
The Judiciary of Zambia has rescinded its earlier decision to permit the live broadcast of the...