The latest freedom of expression report has shown a deteriorating state of media freedoms in Zambia between January and June 2024, with 68% of the 190 journalists interviewed indicating that media freedoms have worsened in the country.
The report, presented by consultant Dr. Freeborn Kibombe, highlights that while 73% of respondents felt that the media operated freely between June and December 2023, this number has declined by 10% between January and July 2024.
The USAID-funded Open Spaces Zambia project, in collaboration with FHI 360, Internews, and Misa Zambia, identifies key challenges facing the media, including access to information, freedom of expression, and violence against journalists, among others.
And Ministry of Media and Information Director Press and Media Development, Modern Mayembe, emphasized the far-reaching implications of such reports on Zambia’s international reputation, and has called for thorough research to inform government policy.
Earlier, MISA Zambia Chairperson Lorraine Chisanga stressed the importance of guaranteeing media freedoms and digital rights in Zambia, particularly in the face of censorship, harassment, violence, and inhibiting legislation that requires repealing and replacement
A consortium of 15 Civil Society Organizations has raised concern over the dire state of Zambia’s...